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New worlds of work in the manufacturing sector? Productive models and industrial relations in the digital transformation

Data 24.05.2022 orario

Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33 , Pisa 56127 Italia

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The aim of the workshop is to discuss the transformation of productive models in the manufacturing sector in the light of the processes of digitalisation, interconnection and automation that have invested them in the last decade.

The wave of technological innovation linked to the so-called Industry 4.0 is often deterministically conceived as able of radically transforming work and production processes, particularly in traditional manufacturing industries. Although several studies have questioned the impact of these innovations, less attention has been devoted to analysing the interplay between the processes of digitalisation and the transformations of productive models, broadly defined as the coherent set of corporate strategies, practices and organisational forms and their interaction with the socio-economic fabric.

The first session investigates the influence of productive and organisational models in shaping the introduction and implementation of new digital technologies. It also explores, the role played by technological innovations in transforming productive models, both in terms of reinforcing existing trends and in spurring new potentially radical changes, including the platformization of the manufacturing sector.

The second session examines the unfolding of global value chains in the automotive industry. The restructuring of production at a global scale brings challenges to production models depending on the stage of development and of the segment of the chain. The session looks at the patterns of uneven development according to core-periphery structures and dependency lenses.

The third session focuses on the role of industrial relations and social dialogue, especially looking at the space of interventions and strategies put in place by trade unions with respect to technological change and digitalisation of production processes. The influence of new technologies in recent transformations of social dialogue and industrial relations will also be discussed.

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Welcome and introduction (9.30-9.45)

- Institute of Economics, ARTES 4.0 representative and GERPISA representative

Session 1 (9.45-11.30)

Manufacturing digitalisation: unveiling the link between technological change and productive models

Chair: Armanda Cetrulo (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies)

- Maria Enrica Virgillito (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies)

Whither the evolution of the contemporary social fabric? New technologies and old socio-economic trends

- Martin Schröeder (Kyushu University)

 Industry 4.0 and lean production in Japan: lean augmentation or lean trap?

- Florian Butollo (WZB - Berlin Social Science Center), Lea Schneidemesser (WZB - Berlin Social Science Center)

Beyond Industry 4.0: platform-mediated factory networks as an alternative to the smart factory

Questions and discussion

Session 2 (11.45-13.30)

The digitalisation of Global Value Chains in the manufacturing sector

Chair: Lorenzo Cresti (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies)

- Margherita Russo (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia)

 The digitalisation of the automotive value chain in Mexico

- Barbara Da Roit (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia), Francesco Iannuzzi (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia)

 One of many roads to industry 4.0? Technology, policy, organisational adaptation and worker experience in ‘Third Italy’ SMEs

- Lorenza Monaco (GERPISA, ENS Paris-Saclay)

 Power and technological inequality in the South African and Thai automotive value chains

Questions and discussion

Session 3 (15.15-17.00)

Negotiating technological change? Industrial relations and union strategies in the digital transformation

Chair: Juan Sebastian Carbonell (GERPISA, ENS Paris-Saclay)

- Gerhard Bosch (University of Duisburg-Essen)

 Social dialogue and union participation in the German case of ‘Industrie 4.0’

- Caroline Lloyd (Cardiff University), Jonathan Payne (De Montfort University)

Trade unions and the implementation of digital technologies: the case of food and drink processing sector in Norway and the UK

- Angelo Moro (ARTES 4.0, Université de Bourgogne)

 Trade unions and the digital-lean transformation: union responses to digitalisation in the Italian automotive sector